It’s Frugal Friday! The time when we take a few moments to focus on tips and hints for frugal living.
When it comes to excuses about staying physically fit, time and money are two that tend to top the list. You’ll have to work out the time part of it, but I have some suggestions to help keep the money part from being an obstacle to keeping your heart healthy and staying fit.
Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. Sure, you could buy your own treadmill or elliptical machine, or pay a steep gym membership each month. If you’re using them daily, that might be a decent value for your money. But realistically, many people don’t capitalize on high-priced investments like that. How can you get the most fitness bang for your buck? Here are a few ideas:
- Run or Walk: If you already have sneakers, this one’s free. Try to get into a running/walking routine. If you have a neighbor or friend that you can schedule regular runs or walks with, it’s a good way to be accountable and not miss a workout. A great way to motivate yourself is to set a goal of running a 5K. I did my first one 5 months after my third kid was born, and it was great–I certainly didn’t set any speed records, and didn’t even run the whole thing my first time, but I finished, and it was a great feeling of accomplishment. I surprised myself by being able to do it, but it was a good goal as I tried to get back in shape (and I really didn’t want to be embarrassed when I had people waiting at the finish line for me, so I had to complete the race!) Check out for a manageable training schedule and great suggestions.
- Try guest passes: If you’re considering joining a gym, try a few different options by asking for guest passes. Most places will let you do a few trial visits, just to make sure it’s a good match. Consider class times, equipment, services, and how the whole thing will fit into your schedule. Don’t make the investment unless you’ll really be able to go frequently enough to make it worth your while. If you can’t, look for options you can do from home that are free or cheap.
- Workout videos: You can find bargain-priced DVDs for under $10 at Amazon or many other places. You can borrow from the library or a friend to see what you might like. Check Goodwill, Thrift Stores, or garage sales for used DVDs at a bargain price. There are some fantastic workout videos for FREE on YouTube, many of them with support groups on Facebook. With videos, I love the flexibility of doing them early in the morning, or while the kids are playing nearby, or whenever you can sneak them in–no extra time needed to drive somewhere or figure out what to do with the kiddos! My personal favorites include Jillian’s 30 Day Shred and the Super Slim Down Yoga-Pilates Blend.
- Hit Pinterest for ideas: Do a Pinterest search for a type of workout (abs, flexibility, strength, running, interval training, etc.), and see what you can find. There are tons of training calendars, info-graphics, and more resources to help you target your trouble spots and give you inspiration. Best of all, it only costs you a little bit of time for searching–the tips and expertise are FREE!
How do you keep fit while staying frugal? Any suggestions for fitting fitness into your busy schedule? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments or on Facebook. Thanks for sharing!
If you’re just joining the Frugal Friday series, check out these other posts:
- Tracking Your Spending
- Creating a Budget
- Making Frugal Choices
- Fighting Spending Envy
- Could You Cut the Cable?
- Saving on Food Expenses
- Schedule to Save (keeping track of due dates to avoid fees & penalties)
- Staying Organized with Holiday Shopping & Rebates
- Frugal Lovin’ (Love & money, plus date night on a Shoestring Budget)
- Waste Not, Want Not (buying what you’ll use, and using what you buy)
- Frugal Fashion
- Frugal Beauty
- Frugal Cooking tip: Prep Once, Eat Twice!
- Budget Check-Up
- Plan ahead for Christmas
- Creating an Emergency Fund
- Getting by on a Single Income
- Reducing Fixed Expenses
- Free Printable Frugal Living Resources (meal planners, expense trackers, and more!)
- Saving on Gasoline
- Tips for Tax Time
- Healthy Eating on a Budget
- Frugal Living with Kids
- Contentment
- Save with Second-Hand
Megan has been frugal most of her life, but has been really honing her frugal skills as the chief home economist for her family of six, surviving and thriving on a single (teacher’s!) income. If she can do it, you can too!