Ohio Living

Made-from-Scratch Brownie Recipe


Made-from-Scratch Brownie Recipe

Made from Scratch Brownies

As much as I want to make sure my kids have a well-balanced, healthy lunch, I also like to send a little something sweet.  We’ve all had days when we could use a little chocolate, haven’t we?  These brownies are one of my favorite made-from-scratch treats to send with the kiddos.

This was one of the first recipes I ever made on my own when I was a kid, and I can still picture the stained, crinkled recipe page for “Aunt Kathy’s Brownies.”  I’m not sure where my aunt got this recipe, but growing up, they were always “hers.”  I can make a batch almost as easily as opening a boxed mix, and there’s no comparison when it comes to taste.  Give them a try–I bet they’ll be a big hit at your house too!

Aunt Kathy's Made-from-Scratch Brownies
  • 2 sticks of butter or margerine, melted
  • 10 Tbsp. cocoa powder (1/2 cup plus 2 more Tbsp.)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 1½ cups all-purpose flour
  • a "dash" of salt (I usually use about ¼-1/2 tsp.)
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (about ½ bag)
  • chopped nuts if you like 'em
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and lightly grease a 9 x 13 pan
  2. Mix melted butter, cocoa powder, and sugar
  3. Add the beaten eggs and mix well
  4. Add the flour and salt, and mix until incorporated
  5. Stir in chocolate chips and/or chopped nuts
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for about 27 minutes. Take a peek at them around 25 minutes, but they're usually done between 27-30 minutes. (I love that the original recipe says 23-25-30 minutes...old recipes are cool like that!)

What are your favorite homemade sweet treats to send in lunches?  I love to hear what works for other families!


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