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Tuesday Tip: Shop at home before heading to the store!

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Tuesday Tip: Shop at home before heading to the store!

shopping haul 3.31.15

You know how when it’s a really good sale week, you stock up on stuff, and you buy more than you’d use in a week?  I think that happens pretty often when we’re couponing.  It’s a great idea to stock up when things are on sale, but every once in a while, we should take a step back and see what we actually have at home.

When your schedule’s extra busy or someone gets sick, it’s a real blessing to have enough food on hand so you’re not adding the stress of going shopping to whatever’s going on.  But if you’re lucky enough to have a few weeks or months when you don’t have those “off weeks,” it’s a good idea to intentionally plan one.

The past few weeks, I’ve been trying to plan my meals solely around what’s in my freezer and pantry.  Almost everything in there was bought on sale, so I know I got good deals.  I haven’t planned a “real” trip to Giant Eagle in almost two weeks, and sometimes I have to remind myself that it’s okay to miss a few deals!

Maybe I’m a coupon weirdo or something, but sometimes if I know a deal’s out there and I’m not going to get it, it bothers me a little.  Here’s the thing: they run on cycles, and if I don’t get it this time, there’s a decent chance I’ll have another shot at it within 6-12 weeks.  And the only thing better than getting something for cheap is not spending any money at all.

So take a look at the pantry and freezer today…could you shop there rather than at the store?

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