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Sisters’ Countdown to Christmas: Our weekly guide to holiday organization, savings, and fun!

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Sisters’ Countdown to Christmas: Our weekly guide to holiday organization, savings, and fun!

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Can you believe that Christmas is just three months from today?  In just thirteen short weeks, Sisters and Misters, Santa Claus will be comin’ to town…but if you stick with us, he won’t be bringing chaos, anxiety, or tons of debt to your house this year!

In the next 13 weeks, we’ll share our very best tips for planning, organization, and savings in our Countdown to Christmas series, so you can maximize the memories and fun this holiday season.  Every week between now and Christmas, we’ll share our hints and give you an action plan for the week.  Slow and steady wins the race–by breaking things down into manageable tasks, we’ll spread out the expense, and we won’t leave everything till the last minute.  We had a few ideas in last week’s Frugal Friday post, and we’ll also add in some of the fantastic reader tips we’ve received in previous years during the pre-Christmas season.  We have some seriously brilliant Sisters and Misters in our community, and your ideas were really helpful!

Now down to business: for this first week, the action plan is super simple:

Pledge to make this Christmas all about memories, quality time, and showing others you care through your thoughtfulness.  It’s not about dollars spent or stressing over perfection in baking or decorating…it’s about keeping things manageable and fun, so that you have the freedom to celebrate and enjoy the special season with those who mean the most to you! 

That’s not a bad first “homework” assignment, is it? 🙂  Start our Countdown this week by just considering this philosophy, and next week we’ll get into more details about how to make it happen!

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