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Northeast Ohio Consignment Stores

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Northeast Ohio Consignment Stores

All these items: 4 shirts, 3 PJ pants, 1 PJ set=$11 at a consignment store!
Consignment stores are a great way to stretch your clothing budget.  You can get some really cute gently-used, name brand clothes for a fraction of their retail prices.  Consignment stores can even help you add to your budget when you sell clothes, toys, and baby gear your kids are done using.  There are lots of consignment stores in Northeast Ohio, and many of them came highly recommended by our fellow Sisters and Misters.
A few tips for consignment store shopping:
  • Look things over carefully.  Most stores are pretty choosy about what they accept to sell, but do a once-over yourself just so there are no surprises.
  • Know comparable prices for new clothes.  Consider what you’d pay for new so you make the best choices.
  • Subscribe to Facebook pages and email newsletters to find out about special coupons and sales–make the most of these additional discounts!
  • Check local coupon sites (like iShopStark or Canton Rep’s Daily Deals) for special savings–several consignment stores offer deals there to get you into their stores, hoping you’ll return in the future.
  • Ask about loyalty programs for return visits and discounts for consigners.  Many stores offer you some kind of bonus.


A few tips for consigning outgrown clothes:

  • Make sure you understand how and when you’ll receive payment.  Is it upfront, or after the clothes sell?  
  • Find out what happens to clothes that don’t sell–some will return them to you, some will donate them for you.  Make sure it works for you.
  • Bring your clothes freshly laundered with no stains, tears or rips.
  • Match outfits together–things sell better as outfits.
  • Bring in your consignments at the beginning of the season for the best chance of them selling.


(Thanks to Stacie from 4 KidsClothing in North Canton for input on the consigning tips!)

Northeast Ohio clothing stores recommended by Sisters and Misters:

(We’d love to add to this list and keep it updated–if you have suggestions, please leave a comment!)

4 Kids Clothing, North Canton. Lots of positive feedback on price, selection, and organization; coupons on iShopStark and discount certificates on CantonRep’s Daily Deals.  Web site  Facebook


Babyland, Canton.  Positive comments on prices and selection–not just baby items, also includes kids, teens, and maternity.  Web site 

Bearly Worn, New Philadelphia.  Operated by P.A.L. mission–highly recommended.  Web site  Facebook

ExChanging Table and Drobe, Minerva.  Kids’ and adults’ consignmnents.  Facebook

The Gingerbread House, Medina.  Kids through college-age, formals available.  Web site  Facebook

The Growing Years, Stow.  Kids, maternity, and juniors.  Web site  Facebook

Inspirations Clothing and Resale, Bolivar.  Children’s and adults’ clothing, “worth the drive from Canton” according to a Sister  Web site

Jelly Beans Children’s Boutique, Avon.  Baby, children’s, and maternity clothing, toys, gear, and furniture.   Web site 

Lil Frog Fashions, Cuyahoga Falls.  Several positive recommendations for price and selection.  Facebook

The Lily Pad, Akron (Portage Lakes area).  Baby and childrens’ clothing, toys, and gear  Facebook

KidZone, Salem and Alliance.  Positive comments about selection and prices.  Facebook

Munchkins’ Kloset, Medina.  Recommended for selection and good prices.  Facebook

Once Again Kids, Columbiana. One Sister said it was worth the drive from Pittsburgh!  Web site 

Once Upon a Child, multiple locations.  Mixed reviews on prices of clothes and consigning experience–they pay on the spot when you drop items off, but they tend to be pretty selective with what they’ll take.  Web site  Facebook

Pete and Polly, Brunswick.  “a little bit boutique and a little bit thrift,” recommended by two Sisters.   Web site  Facebook

Plato’s Closet, multiple locations.  Like Once Upon a Child, but geared toward teen clothing  Web site

Precious Beginnings, Orrville.  Good selection for babies and toddlers.  Web site  Facebook

Round 2 Kids, Cuyahoga Falls.  Recommended as clean and well-organized  Web site  Facebook

The Tots Spot, Massillon.  Positive feedback from several readers, has discounted gift cards on iShopStarkFacebook

Tots to Teens, Springfield Twp.  Recommended, but I can’t find a web site or official Facebook page–help??

Trendy Threads, Wadsworth.  Kids’ and adult consignments in a boutique atmosphere  Web site  Facebook

Twice is Nice, Hartville.  Kids’ items along with teens, adults, household items  Web site  Facebook

Two E’s in a Pod, Hartville.  Newborn-size 8 clothes, plus maternity and baby gear.    Web site  Facebook


An online option: ThredUp


Consignment Sales

These events pop up anually or seasonally, and were recommended by readers–let us know if you have one to add!

Big Red Wagon Consignment Sales, multiple locations.  Pops up throughout NE Ohio–check for locations and dates.   Web site  Facebook

Canton Mothers of Multiples Clothing & Equipment sale, Canton.  Club members get to preview first, then it’s open to the public.  Web site

Kids Stuff Sale, Sugarcreek.  Seasonal clothing sales in March and July, Toys & more sale in November.  Web site

Lil’ Lambs Closet, Jackson Twp. (near Canton).  Seasonal sales in fall and spring.  Recommended for both buyers and sellers.  Web site 

Pollywogs to Frogs sale, Fairlawn, Semi-annual (April and November)  Web site


Adult Consignment Stores, Thrift Stores and other suggestions:

Another Look, Canton.  Adult consignment store–previously offered a Canton Rep Daily Deal…might pop up again.  Facebook

Encore, Canton.  Adult consignment store, includes bridal and formal wear.  Web site  Facebook

Best Bib and Tucker, Hartville.  Adult consignment store.  Currently looking for a new business location–keep up with them on their Web site or Facebook

Moda, Lakewood.  Higher-end clothing and accessories for men and women.   Web site  Facebook

Clothing Warehouse, Wooster.  New items at a fraction of the cost.  Web site

The Village Discount Store, Cuyahoga Falls.  Top rated thrift store.  Web site

Clothes Mentor, multiple locations.   Consignment store for women.  Web site

Salvation Army, multiple locations.   Thrift stores.  Web site

Goodwill, multiple locations.  Thrift stores.  Web site


Please Pin this, share this, and most of all USE this resource!  If you have suggestions for stores to add, please leave a comment–we’ll update it periodically with new suggestions!  Thanks to all the Sisters and Misters who shared their recommendations on Facebook.

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