Ohio Living

Valentine’s Day Kids’ Party Game: Color Bingo


Valentine’s Day Kids’ Party Game: Color Bingo

Valentine’s Day is at the end of the week, and plans are firing up for all the kids’ Valentine’s Day parties at school.  For my preschool son, I volunteered at the beginning of the year because I already had this fun party game ready!

When big brother was in preschool, I needed to find a Valentine’s Day party game for my his class.  I saw several cute Bingo games, but double-digit numbers were too hard for little ones.  My kids attend an integrated preschool program, which includes some with special needs, so we decided to make our own game that would be fun for all the classmates. 

I made a 4×4 table in my word processing program (cells .7 x .7 inches, in case you’re wondering), and typed the word “LOVE” above it.  I printed them 4 to a sheet of cardstock, then grabbed 15 markers and started coloring.  Each card got one square of each color, plus white, and I made 16 colored hearts to be pulled out of a bowl to call the colors. 

The kids named the color when it was pulled, found the matching one on their board, and marked it with a Sweetheart.  Four in a row across, down, or diagonally is a bingo!

Total cost for the game: less than $2 for the bags of Sweethearts, a few sheets of cardstock, and an hour or so of coloring while I watched TV.  This could be adapted for pretty much any holiday or theme with different color shapes and themed candy markers! 

We’d love for you to share or Pin this simple, frugal party game!

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