Ohio Living

Are you seeing us on Facebook?

Are you seeing us on Facebook?

Facebook has made some recent changes, and they affect what shows up in your news feed.  Everything we post on the site goes up on Facebook too, so it’s a great way to keep track of the deals.  If you’re not seeing us on Facebook as much as you’d like, here are a few things to try:

  • At the top of your news feed, click where it says “Sort.”  Your choices will be “Top Stories” or “Most Recent.”  Select Most Recent, and you’re more likely to see us.
  • Facebook thinks it knows what you like based on your interactions.  Commenting and Liking our Facebook posts will show that you want to see more of us on your news feed.  Go straight to our Facebook page, and “Like” a bunch of stuff!

We have a thriving Facebook community of 14,000+ strong.  The Facebook page is a great place to ask questions, share your awesome deal finds, and interact with some great fellow Sisters and Misters.  Come join the fun!

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